AAU Student Space
+20 Years of CubeSats

AAU Student Space
+20 Years of CubeSats

The beginning of AAU Student Space dates back to around the late 2000 after the launch of the Ørsted Satellite. As the control system for Ørsted was developed at Aalborg University, watching the development sparked an interest in the students for space, more specifically satellites.
Inspired by the very "founder" of the CubeSat standard, Professor Bob Twiggs in the USA, students at Aalborg University hereafter began working with CubeSats in the laboratory today known as AAU Student Space.
The students are responsible for everything regarding the development of the satellites, ie. design, construction, and testing as well as international contacts and the launch itself. All students can participate and departments like Electronic Systems, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, and Energy Technology have all worked together on different satellite projects.
Our mantra during the years have always been: 100% DIY by students in collaboration with students.

AAU Space - Student Projects
Students at Aalborg University have worked with a range of national and international space projects since 2000, including the launch of five AAU CubeSats.

The first AAU CubeSat was launched in 2003 and since then, students from across different departments at Aalborg University have launched four more satellites: AAUSAT-II, AAUSAT3, AAUSAT4, and AAUSAT5 with the AAUSAT6 under development. In addition, the students have participated in developing a number of payloads for other satellites as well as a number of parabolic flights and stratospheric ballon experiments.
The work at AAU Student Space have also resulted in a number of space companies, among others GomSpace, Space Inventor, and Satlab. Today, these three companies can be found within a distance of 1, 2, and 7 km from Aalborg University. Together they employ more than 300 people and deliver missions, satellites, and subsystems to partners around the World.